Monday, July 27, 2009

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

yes you Can ! i have a natural solution for it

Imagine having smooth, hairless skin all over your body without having to shave or wax ever again!

1. Hair Removal Plus makes eliminating un-wanted body hair easy and painless.

2. Hair Removal Plus advanced hair inhibitor system is a 100% pain-free effective cream.

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4. it is safe for use anywhere on the body and it only requires one simple application.

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How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

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How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

You don't.

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

wax....that is the best way....not permanent but you said you didn't want laser

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

You can't. One exception. If they are fine hairs it might be possible to pull them out so many times that their no longer are cells to reproduce the follicle.

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

you cant really. the painless lazer thing is supposed to be well good though and you can even get the equipment in the argos cataloge. i think those use infra red rays

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

I've seen a blowtorch work wonders for stubborn hair.

make sure you leave a thick burn scar so the hair follicle cannot penetrate the outermost layer.

personally, I think you should leave well enough alone. god made hairy creature beasts for a reason. try to find another freakishly hairy person like yourself and everything will start to come together. good luck!!!

How do you get rid of unwanted hair permanently without having laser or electrology treatment?

Wish really really hard. Other than that, I think you are out of luck.

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