Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Acne or hair removal?

i have had terrible acne for years that has only been controlled by minocycline antibiotics. recently however, i have decided to undergo hair removal treatments on my body (abnormal amount of thick dark hair that i am really insecure with)...and they told me i could not do this while on the minocycline without a doctor's note. well the doctor basially would not write a note.

so now my question is what do i do??? do i discontinue my acne treatment for a while, at the risk of my face breaking to get the hair removal done?? or do i not do it???

this is a good time for me financially to do it...i dont know what to do....

Acne or hair removal?

personally, i would get the hair removal done. find out how long you need to wait after you stop the antibiotics.

there are natural ways you can try to control the acne while you are undergoing the other.

unpasturized apple cider vinegar


honey and cinnamon


who knows, maybe you can ditch the antibiotics all together...

good luck

Acne or hair removal?

well if it is hereditary, u can stop the antibiotics and have your hair removal.

you finish your acne treatment first, since it is an antibiotic,means you are trying to kill or get rid of specific microorganisms that causes you to have acne. and if u stop the treatment, the microorganism can have resistance to antibiotics. wherein the antibiotic will not work anymore for your acne treatment. you can have your hair removal after you finished ur acne treatment...

Acne or hair removal?

Most products that you will take will help for a quick fix, but they are not dealing with the real problem. most people have no idea why they break out, well here is the reason!

Skin eruptions or blemishes can also be constipation symptoms. Constipation can cause acne and it can worsen existing acne conditions. Many people fail to understand the skin is a major organ responsible for eliminating waste. When the liver and kidneys become overwhelmed by substances that need to be evacuated from the body閳ユ敄he skin will try to come to their aid. Individuals who are constipated are backed up with fecal matter and it閳ユ獨 impossible for the skin to remove fecal matter. However, the epidermis can show signs of its attempting to rid the body of toxins by becoming inflamed or breaking out.

check out this link, it should help you allot!


Acne or hair removal?

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.

Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.

Electrolysis and laser hair removal are 閳ユ笡ermanent閳?hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.

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