Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hot oil hair treatments?

I've never used these before but this constant weather changing (Houston, TX) is leaving my hair a little dry. Has anyone used these before? I have a show to go to tonight, do these things take long? Do they leave your hair oily? Please be detailed...

Hot oil hair treatments?

I'm a fellow Houstonian, and I understand. ^_^ Here are some options that prevents hair from getting dry.

Hot-Oil Treatments:

I've done hot-oil treatments for years, and they do keep your hair moisturized. V05 hot oil treatments are really good. I would suggest V05 in this season. You could also just make one with Olive Oil and some essential oils.


Another oil that is good is glycerin. It's a humectant, which essentially draws in moisture from the air into your hair. It's great in HUMID environments. Not so good if you want very straight hair. It isn't good doing winter either, because it's not as humid. It's great for hot, humid summer weather, which we have 80% of the time. Another humectant is honey, but I wouldn't suggest that, since people do tend to overuse.

Conditioner Washes:

Instead of shampooing, condition. Shampoo has sulfates which can dry your hair. Use only the Suave or V05 conditioners(i.e. V05 Strawberries and Cream and Suave Naturals) for a very sleek hair. This may seem extreme for some, so I understand if you don't want to, but seriously don't eliminate this idea before you try it.

I hope this helps.

Hot oil hair treatments?

no no no your hair is dead it needs protein treatments like Cat by Redken or Extreme by Redken with Carnation instant breakfast mixed in put on hair 10 mins rinse well

Hot oil hair treatments?

Try a moisturizer or conditioner moisturizer first. If you have never put oil (especially a hot oil treatment ) on before definitely don't do it before a show or going anywhere your trying to make an impression. Try it at a later date when nothing is going on.

Hot oil hair treatments?

Hot Oil Treatments are great. They will revive your hair, and leave it silky and smooth. I would use V05 Hot Oil Hair Treatment, you can pick it up at your local pharmacy. Just follow the directions on the package, and you're good to go.

Have fun tonight! 閳?br>Hot oil hair treatments?

Don't use the KFC oil, only use Popeye's. That will give you that special shine.

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